Thursday, September 15, 2011

Raw Almond Milk

A few days ago I made the mistake of reading the back of my almond milk carton. I was surprised at how many chemicals were added to give the milk a shelf life. I didn't see the point in paying extra for a healthy milk alternative to just drink a bunch of chemicals. So, I started comparing recipes and prices of almonds. I figured I could make half a gallon for under $3. Most almond milk is priced at $3-$4 per half gallon. I'm a fan of anything thats better for you and less expensive!

Raw Almond Milk
Makes about 4 cups

1 cup of raw almonds (I got them from HEB in the bulk section)
4 cups of water
3-6 dates
1tsp Vanilla extract
Cheese cloth or nut milk bag
Jar or pitcher

1. Soak almonds and dates in water for 8-10 hours (I put mine in the fridge overnight)
2. Drain and rinse almonds
3. Blend almonds and 4 cups of water in a powerful blender for about a minute

4. Poor into cheese cloth to separate the pulp from the milk (I put the pulp in the freezer and made cookies with it a few days later)

5. Place milk back into the blender and blend with dates and vanilla

6. Poor into a jar and store in the fridge for 2-3 days

Makes a great almond milk latte :)

1 comment:

  1. SO cool. I did not know you could do this. I need a vitamix. I am going to try to convince my mom to buy one. haha =)
